American Legacy Ultra Waxed Casual Laces

Download American Legacy Ultra Waxed Casual Laces Flyer for more details.

*= limited stock size

2111+ BP 6 PAIR
Code Colour 27″ 30″ 36″ 40″ 45″ 54″
211102+ Royal 027* 030 036 040* 045 054*
211106+ Gold 027* 030 036 040* 045 054*
211122+ Orange 027* 030 036 045
211124+ Car Blue 027* 030 036 045
211126+ Green 027* 030 036 045
211128+ Taupe 027* 030 036 045
211164+ Light Grey 027* 030 036 040* 045 054*
211168+ Red 027* 030 036 040* 045 054*
211170+ Black 027 030 036 040 045 054
211174+ Brown 027 030 036 040 045 054
211176+ Brick 030 036 040* 045 054*
211177+ Tan/Sand 027 030 036 040* 045 054*
211178+ Mocha 027 030 036 040 045 054*
211179+ Vanilla 027* 030 036 040* 045 054*
211190+ Navy Blue 027* 030 036 040* 045 054*

Laces Size Chart - LaBelle Supply
American Legacy Ultra Waxed Casual Laces


We are a wholesale company. Our team will follow-up with you to confirm the details and the price. You will not be charged until your order is confirmed. If you have other questions, please contact us.

