Famaco Shoe Cream

Made in France.
Cleaning, care and protection Wax-based shoe cream.
Famaco Shoe Cream Colour Chart

262570+ 50 ml J 12 each

Famaco Shoe Cream Colours 50ml - LaBelle Supply

SKU: 262570+ Categories: , , Tag:


Famaco shoe cream conditions leather, restores colour and ensures long lasting shine. Remove dirt with a brush.

Apply a little cream. Allow to dry, then buff with a soft cloth.

Good shoe creams consist of insoluble waxes and fats. Emulsifying agents ensure that these are combined in equal measures. In theory, water seems like a good and environmentally friendly cleansing agent, but in fact it’s completely unsuitable for effective leather care. Rapid loss of shine, decreased water resistance and diminished resistance against cold temperatures— these are three reasons among many not to treat leather with water. Turpentine or other natural oils are much better options. Famaco shoe cream consists of various bee and carnauba waxes, natural oils and fats: a great combination for porous and/or dyed leather.

  • Nourish and enrich the leather
  • Add colour to bring the shoe back to life
  • Enriches the leather with wax, for added protection
  • Modern version of the classic tin polish
50 ml 262570+ 50 ml 262570+ 15 ml 262575+
300 Black 360 Grey Anthracite 300 Black
301 Tan Mango 361 Orange 304 Green Thuya
303 Tan Natural 362 Khaki London 306 Neutral Polaire
304 Green Thuya 363 Red Cardinal 307 Beige
305 Dark Tan Fauve 364 Green Colvert 308 Yellow
306 Neutral Polaire 365 Pink Rose Dragee 309 Grey Gris
307 Beige 366 Blue Petrol 310 Beige Naturel
308 Yellow 367 Taupe Marron Glace 311 Grey Gris
309 Grey Gris 368 Grey Loutre Otter 313 Orange Mandarine
310 Beige Naturel 369 Green Gazon 314 Red Rouge Vif
311 Grey Gris 370 Tan Girolle 315 Dark Tan Porc
312 Blue Gitane 371 Blue Horizon 317 Blue Ink
313 Orange Mandarine 372 Khaki Glaise 319 Red Rubis
314 Red Rouge 373 Green Apple 320 Brown Brun
315 Dark Tan Porc 374 Grey Falanelle 321 Dark Tan London Fonce
316 Beige Blue 375 Neutral Beige Rose 322 Dark Tan Havane
317 Blue Ink 376 Red Opera 326 Neutral Sable
318 Khaki Algue 377 Grey Edelweiss 327 Red Rouge Vif
319 Red Rubis 378 Blue Bleuette 328 Pink Azalee
320 Brown Brun 379 Beige Colonial 329 Neutral Champagne
321 Dark Tan London Fonce 380 Grey Silex 331 Dark Tan London
322 Dark Tan Havan 381 Grey Mineral 333 Khaki Kaki
323 Brown Gold 382 Blue Turquoise 334 Pink Lady Praline
325 Beige Dark 383 Brown Vison 337 Brown Marron Fonce
326 Neutral Sable 384 Green Menthe 338 Beige Biscotte
327 Red Vif 385 Pink Mottuiti 341 Neutral Dauphine
328 Pink Azalee 386 Tan Poivre 345 Blue Marine
329 Neutral Champagne 387 Blue Pilotte Ocean 346 Red Bordeaux
330 Dark Tan Noisette 388 Green Jamaique 350 Pink Rose Pale
331 Brown London 389 Brown Bourbon 352 Blue Sky Ciel
332 Neutral Mastic 390 Neutral Beige Clair 358 Blue Lavande
333 Khaki Kaki 391 Green Montana 360 Grey Anthracite
334 Pink Lady Praline 392 Taupe Gabardine 361 Orange
335 Dark Tan Merisier 398 White 365 Pink Rose Dragee
336 Dark Tan Malte 399 Neutral 379 Beige Colonial
337 Brown Marron Fonce 501 Blue Pastel 382 Blue Turquoise
338 Beige Biscotte 502 Neutral Plage 385 Pink Mottuiti
339 Red Minimum 503 Pink Vieux Rose 390 Neutral Light Beige
340 Tan Mais 505 Purple Lila 393 Metallic Copper
341 Neutral Dauphine 506 Tan Clementine 394 Metallic Platinum
342 Beige Nankin 507 Khaki Bamboo 395 Metallic Light Gold
343 Red Rose Noire 508 Blue Quetche Ocean 396 Metallic Bronze
344 Brown Carneol 509 Red Automne 397 Metallic Silver
345 Blue Marine 510 Tan Mangue 398 White
346 Red Bordeaux 512 Neutral Ivoire 400 Metallic Mordore Light Bronze
347 Red Granata 513 Purple Prune 401 Metallic Anthracite Metal
348 Beige Ficelle 514 Purple Aubergine 503 Pink Vieux Rose
349 Green Cresson 515 Green Vert Anis 508 Blue Quetche Ocean
350 Pink Rose Pale 516 Purple Parme
351 Blue Electric 517 Grey Taupe
352 Blue Sky Ciel 518 Purple Myrtille
353 Neutral Bouleau 531 Grey Souris
354 Neutral Lido 532 Green Pistache
355 Red Carmin 533 Beige Cuir
356 Blue Dur Capri 534 Beige Peau
357 Tan Alezan 535 Purple Glycine
358 Blue Lavande 536 Red Corail
359 Blue Violet 324 Cognac

We are a wholesale company. Our team will follow-up with you to confirm the details and the price. You will not be charged until your order is confirmed. If you have other questions, please contact us.



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