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Monday - Thursday. We will contact you to confirm delivery dates and pick up arrangements.
- Press Machine BL 2 Made in Italy Manual Press with deep cushion. Equipped with a foot pump. Only sold as a full set. (Press machine + 9 pairs of plastic lasts: 35.5, 37, 38, 39.5, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45.5). CODE DESCRIPTION SIZE WEIGHT SOLD BY 230000064 Machine Plastic lasts 25cm x 66cm x 90cm 40.64X31.75X31.75cm 39kg 13.6kg set
- Heavy iron adjustable work stands with 4 removable lasts. CODE HEIGHT MASTER CARTON SOLD BY 230000027 90cm 1 set
- Heavy iron adjustable work stands with 6 removable lasts. CODE HEIGHT MASTER CARTON SOLD BY 230000029 90cm 1 set