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- Kg’s premium waxed braided nylon laces feature tightly braided nylon that is wax coated and then fiber tipped to form a tough, long lasting lace. Most 6-inch work boots use 54 inch laces. Most 8-inch work boots use the 72 inch laces. Made in the USA. CODE PKG MASTER CARTON SOLD BY 2000+ HT 6 pair Colour Code 45" 54"…
- Heavy duty boot laces. Fire resistant Chemical resistant Virtually unbreakable Great for welders, firerighters. Made in the USA. CODE COLOUR PKG MASTER CARTON SOLD BY 200170+ Black HT 6 pair Code 45" 54" 63" 72" 84" 108" 200170+ 045 054 063 072 084 108
- Paint on compound to protect work boot toes. Tough and long-lasting. Black only. Tough, Long-lasting brush on toe protection. 2 oz boot guard (enough for 1 plus applications) Disposable applicator Sandpaper Apply to shoes or boots, sticks to any surface (leather, cordura, vinyl, exposed steel). CODE COLOUR SIZE PKG MASTER CARTON SOLD BY 123609002 Black 2 oz P 12 each